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Ongoing Projects


  • 대학IT연구센터지원사업

❍ 5G 기반 산업별 빅데이터 활용 딥러닝 개발 및 인력양성 사업 (초연결 고신뢰 산업지능센서, HCIC - Hyper-connected and Credible Industrial Intelligence Center)

❍ [1세부-성균관대학교 스마트팩토리융합학과] 5G기반 산업별 빅데이터 센서 개발 및 데이터 기반제어

❍ 기간 : 2018.06.01~2021.12.31

❍ 주관기관 : 과학기술정보통신부 / 호서대학교

❍  중점 연구(활동) 분야

- SKT, 충청남도, 하나마이크론 등 15개 참여기관·컨소시엄 및 72개 MOU 기업들의 先수요를 기반으로 5G·빅데이터·딥러닝 기술 개발·보급

- 제조, 보안, 해양·수산 분야를 선정하여 5G빅데이터 기반의 딥러닝 모델을 개발·보급

- (인력양성) 충남권 5G·빅데이터·딥러닝 기술 인력 양성



❍  저널

- “Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network Using Data Augmentation”, Journal of Sensors (Special Issue: Virtual Sensors and Anomaly Detection) , August 2021 [Link]

- “Mobile Robot Path Optimization Technique Based on Reinforcement Learning Algorithm in Warehouse Environment”, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Applied Sciences Journal, 2021, 11(3), 1209, 28 January [Link]

- “POP-ON: Prediction of Process Using One-way Language Model Based on NLP Approach”, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Applied Sciences Journal, 11(2), 864, 18 January 2021 [Link]

- "Performance Analysis of Transport Time and Legal Stability through Smart OTP Access System for SMEs in Connected Industrial Parks", International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 224-241, March 2021 [Link]

- "CIPs P2P Insurance플랫폼을 통한 영세 물류 개인 사업자의 소득 개선 방안 연구"(Performance Analysis of Income Improvement for Small-scale Logistics Entrepreneurs through P2P Insurance Platform in Connected Industrial Parks), 한국산업융합학회 논문집 제24권 제2호, pp. 115-126, April 2021, [Link]

- "Multi-Scale Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Bearing Fault Detection in Noisy Manufacturing Environments", Journal of Applied Sciences (Special Issue: Machine Learning and Signal Processing for Diagnostics and Prognostics Applications), 11(9), 3963, 27 April 2021, [Link]

❍  학술대회

- "스마트 OTP 출입 시스템을 통한 CIPs 중소기업 물류 운송 시간 단축 및 법적 안정성 개선 연구", 한국정보처리학회 춘계학술대회, May 2021 [Link]

- "한국형 CIPs 결제 공공 시스템을 통한 중소기업의 물류비용 절감 방안 연구", 한국정보처리학회 춘계학술대회, May 2021 [Link]

❍  특허

[출원] "어텐션 메커니즘 기반의 미래 수요 예측 데이터 생성방법 및 장치", February 2021 

❍  기타



  • 연구실적(3차년도)

❍  저널

- “Real-Time Monitoring System for Hydraulic Condition Based on a Convolutional Bidirectional LSTM with Attention Mechanism”, Special Issue of Artificial intelligence for Smart Manufacturing: Methods and Applications, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing  Institute(MDPI) Sensors Journal, 20(24), 7099, 11 December [Link]

- “VODCA: Verification of Diagnosis using CAM-based Approach for Explainable Process Monitoring”, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Sensors Journal, 30 November [Link]

"SFSH : A Novel Smart Factory SDN-Layer Handoff Scheme in 5G-enabled Mobile Networks", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, June 2020 [Link]

❍  학술대회

- "A Defect Detection Model for Imbalanced Wafer Image Data using CAE and Xception",  The International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications (IDSTA2020), October 2020 [Link]

- "Quality Inspection of Casting Product Using CAE and CNN",  Imaging Signal Processing & Communications (ICISPC), October 2020 [Link]

- "Bearing Fault Detection with Data Augmentation Method Based on 2-D CNN and 1-D CNN",  Proceedings of the 2020 the 4th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT), October 2020 [Link]

- "CAE와 CNN을 이용한 주조 제품의 품질검사 모델",  한국인터넷정보학회 추계학술대회, October 2020 [Link]

- "CAE와 Xception을 이용한 불균형 웨이퍼 데이터 결함감지 모델",  한국인터넷정보학회 추계학술대회, October 2020 [Link]

- “데이터 필터를 위한 스마트팩토리 지능형 엣지 장치”, 한국인터넷정보학회 추계학술대회, October 2020[ [Link]

- "Time-Series Data Augmentation based on Interpolation",  The 17th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC), August 2020 [Link]

- "An Weighted CNN Ensemble Model with Small Amount of Data for Bearing Fault Diagnosis", The 17th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC), August 2020 [Link]

- "Ensemble Fog Computing Architecture for Unstable State Detection of Hydraulic System",  The 17th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC), August 2020 [Link]

- "Data augmentation for bearing fault detection with a light weight CNN", The 17th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC), August 2020 [Link]

- "Deep Learning-based Data Augmentation for Hydraulic Condition Monitoring System", The 17th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC), August 2020 [Link]

- "A Hydraulic Condition Monitoring System Based on Convolutional BiLSTM Model", The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), July 2020 [Link]

- "Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Based on Regularized ResNet with Multivariate Control Chart",  The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA), July 2020 [Link]

- "Bearing fault detection with a deep light weight CNN",  The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2020), July 2020 [Link]

- "Design and Performance Analysis for Intelligent F-PMIPv6 Mobility Support for Smart Manufacturing", WorldCist 2020, April 2020 [Link]

- "Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Imbalanced Class Classification in Hydraulic System", IMCOM 2020 [Link]

❍  특허

- [출원] "실시간 데이터 전처리 및 이상치 감지를 위한 모니터링 시스템", September 2020 

❍  기타

- [기술이전] "인공지능 스마트팩토리 컨설팅 및 구축 기술 자문", 텔스타-홈멜, June 2020


  • 연구실적(2차년도)

❍  저널

- "Design and Implementation of OPC UA-based Collaborative Robot Guard System Using Sensor and Camera Vision", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, December 2019 [Link]

- "Hybrid 시계열 모델을 활용한 스마트 공장 내 수요예측 알고리즘 개발", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC)", October 2019 [Link]

- "Design and Implementation of Smart Factory System Model Based on Process Visualizationa for Small and Medium Business in Korea", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasing and Communication (IIBC), November 2019 [Link]

"Performance Evaluation of RDMA Transfer Method for Security Added on Edge Computing"International Journal of Future Computer and Communication (IJFCC), September 2019 [Link]

- "SDN Controller 배포를 이용한 산업 분산형 네트워크 관리 기법", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC)", June 2019 [Link]

- "저속 주행 자동차에 의한 인명 사고 예방을 위한 안전 시스템의 설계 및 구현", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC)", June 2019 [Link]

- "중앙 집중식 OPC UA 서버와 통합된 CPPS 아키텍처에 관한 연구", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC)", June 2019 [Link]

- "Design and Performance Evaluation of Cost-Effective Function-distributed Mobility Management Scheme for PMIPv6-based Industrial Future Internet", Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (JAIHC)", June 2019 [Link]

❍  학술대회

- "Design and Performance Analysis of an Industrial IoT-based Mobility Management for Smart Manufacturing", The 10th IEEE Annual Informaton Technology, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference, October 2019 [Link]

- "A Novel Multicasting-based Mobility Management Scheme in Industrial Mobile Networks towards Smart Manufacturing", The 10th IEEE Annual Informaton Technology, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference, October 2019 [Link]

- "A Novel SDN-based Cross Hando Scheme in Industrial Mobile Networks", Procedia Computer Science, August 2019[Link]

"A Novel CPPS Architecture Integrated with Centralized OPC UA server for 5G-based Smart Manufacturing"Procedia Computer Science, August 2019 [Link]

"Design and Implementation of CPPS and Edge Computing"Procedia Computer Science,  August 2019 [Link]

"On Intelligent Hierarchical F-PMIPv6 based Mobility Support for Industrial Mobile NetworksProcedia Computer ScienceAugust 2019 [Link]

- "Performance Analysis of SDN-based Global Mobility Support Scheme in Smart Factory Networks", Procedia Computer Science, August 2019 [Link]

- "On Reflecting Optimal Inventory of Profit and Loss Perspective for Production Planning", Procedia Computer Science, August 2019 [Link]

- "A Novel Time Series based Seq2Seq Model for Temperature Prediction in Firing Furnace Process", Procedia Computer Science, August 2019 [Link]

"Design and Performance Analysis of Docker-based Smart Manufacturing Platform based on Deep Learning Model", International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), July 2019 [Link]

"Under Sampling Adaboosting Shapelet Transformation for Time Series Feature Extraction"International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), July 2019 [Link]

"Container-based Multi-purpose IoT Architecture for User-Friendly Applications with Cloud Chatbot Agent"International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), July 2019 [Link]

- "Design and Analysis of OpenStack Cloud Smart Factory Platform for Manufacturing Big Data Applications"International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), June 2019 [Link]

"Open Source based Industrial IoT Platforms for Smart Factory: Concept, Comparison and Challenges"International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), June 2019 [Link]

"Fog Computing Architecture Based Blockchain for Industrial IoT", The International Conference on Computational Science, June 2019 [Link]

"Under Sampling Bagging Shapelet Transformation for Hydraulic System"Conference: Internet of Things (COINS), May 2019 [Link]

"Demand Forecasting Based on Machine Learning for Mass Customization in Smart Manufacturing", International Conference on  Data Mining and Machine Learning, April 2019 [Link]

"Convolutional neural network and 2-D image based fault diagnosis of bearing without retraining"International Conference on Compute And Data Analysis (ICCDA), March 2019 [Link]

❍  특허

- [출원] "룰 베이스 기반 머신 비전을 위한 관리 방법 ", December 2019 

[출원] "기계적 학습을 이용한 수요 예측 방법 및 재고관리 시스템", December 2019

❍  기타

- [포럼] "셰이플릿 변환 기반 반도체 불량 검출 머신러닝 알고리즘 개발", ICT 미래인재포럼 2019_ICT 명품인재양성, April 2019


  • 연구실적(1차년도)

❍  저널

"대규모 LPWA기반 네트워크에서 분산된 주차 공간 관리서비스의 설계 및 구현", KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems, October 2018 [Link]

"중소제조기업을 위한 IoT기반의 자율이동모듈을 활용한 스마트 창고관리 시스템 개발", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC), October 2018 [Link]

- "연결형 산업단지(CIPs): 한국의 스마트공장 구축을 위한 연결형 산업단지 아키텍처", The Journal of The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication (IIBC), August 2018 [Link]

❍  학술대회

"Performance Evaluation of industrial OPC UA Gateway with energy cost-saving", International Conference on Smart Computing and Communication (SmartCom), December 2018 [Link]

"Implementation and Performance Analysis of Power and Cost-Reduced OPC UA Gateway for Industrial IoT Platforms"International Telecommunication Networks and Application Conference (ITNAC), November 2018 [Link]

"Industrial Device Monitoring and Control System based on oneM2M for Edge Computing", IEEE Symposium Series On Computational Intelligence (SSCI),  November 2018 [Link]

"Virtualized oneM2M System Architecture in Smart Factory Environments", International Telecommunication Networkds And Applications Conference (ITNAC), November 2018 [Link]

- "A Novel Broker-based Hierarchical Authentication Scheme in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Networks", International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), September 2018 [Link]

- "SVM-RBM based Predictive Maintenance Scheme for IoT-enabled Smart Factory", International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), September 2018 [Link]

"Fault Detection for Lubricant Bearing with CNN"International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS), Feburary 2019 [Link]

"A Bigdata Search Engine Based Cloud Computing Network Architecture in Smart Factory Environment"International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS), Feburary 2019 [Link]

"Flexible Deployment System based on IoT Standards using Containers in Smart Factory Environments",International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM), January 2019 [Link]

"시계열 데이터의 특징 추출을 위한 앙상블 언더 샘플링 셰이플릿 변환", 한국통신학회 2018, January 2019 [Link]

❍  특허

- [출원] 스마트팩토리 표준통신플랫폼(OPC UA)를 통한 CPS 교육용 KIT, December 2018

❍  기타



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